Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      


General information

Model VFR800 FI
Colour Red
Year of manufacture 2001
Gearbox -

Engine & fuel consumption

Engine capacity 781 cc
Fuel type Petrol
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

MOT history

MOT expiry date 2025-05-30
MOT pass rate
94 %
MOT passed 15
Failed MOT tests 1
Total advice items 17
Total items failed 1
MOT #16 2024-05-31 14:01
MOT test number 943233895417
Result Passed
Next expiry date 2025-05-30
Rear Wheel bearing has slight play (5.1.3 (a) (i))
Nearside Front Shock absorber has a light misting of oil (5.3.2 (b))
Rear Brake indicates a slightly grabbing brake (1.2.1 (c))
MOT #15 2022-11-18 10:54
MOT test number 143476190005
Result Passed
Rear Brake indicates a slightly grabbing brake (1.2.1 (c))
Rear Wheel bearing has slight play (5.1.3 (a) (i))
Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (5.2.3 (e))
MOT #14 2021-11-24 15:37
MOT test number 260954369750
Result Passed
Rear Brake binding but not excessively (1.2.1 (f))
Front Brake indicates a slightly grabbing brake (1.2.1 (c))
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      
MOT #13 2020-01-25 10:19
MOT test number 992561956208
Result Passed
Front Brake indicates slight fluctuation of brake effort (1.2.1 (e))
MOT #12 2020-01-25 09:47
MOT test number 118795251579
Result Failed
Stop lamp not working (4.3.1 (a) (ii))
Front Brake indicates slight fluctuation of brake effort (1.2.1 (e))
MOT #11 2019-02-09 12:36
MOT test number 979487502595
Result Passed
Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (5.2.3 (e))
Front Brake indicates slight fluctuation of brake effort (1.2.1 (e))
MOT #10 2018-02-17 11:33
MOT test number 815923890391
Result Passed
Exhaust noisy (7.1.2)
MOT #9 2016-04-01 09:15
MOT test number 702880604360
Result Passed
MOT #8 2015-01-15 09:54
MOT test number 328065115087
Result Passed
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      
MOT #7 2013-05-29 16:03
MOT test number 358619143152
Result Passed
Steering headbearing has slight free play (2.2.2)
MOT #6 2012-06-19 11:03
MOT test number 997791472144
Result Passed
MOT #5 2011-06-24 10:43
MOT test number 358055571111
Result Passed
MOT #4 2010-06-08 15:11
MOT test number 450519650133
Result Passed
Offside mudguard bolt missing (front)
Rear brake pads near service limit.
MOT #3 2009-06-09 16:57
MOT test number 222820769437
Result Passed
MOT #2 2008-06-12 11:06
MOT test number 300434068192
Result Passed
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      
MOT #1 2006-10-23 14:05
MOT test number 831876896299
Result Passed
Front Steering movement slightly 'notchy' (2.2.1b)
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Tax & MOT check

Taxed Tax due: 1 January 2026
MOT Expires: 30 May 2025
Tax status 1 January 2026
Days left 321
MOT expiry date 30 May 2025
Full MOT history See MOT history
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Damage history

Check the damage history for this HONDA. See if, where and when this HONDA had damage and the car repair costs. We also check if this HONDA was scrapped. Download the premium report here for the results.

Damage 1
Date ???????
Category ???????
Type ???????
Damage 2
Date ???????
Category ???????
Type ???????
Extra HONDA salvage check

If this vehicle was seen at a salvage auction we offer: vehicle pictures, salvage location, retail value.
Download the premium report here for more information.

Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Vehicle valuation

What is this car worth? See the vehicle value of this HONDA in the premium report. We check: purchase value, age, mileage, MOT history, damages and online sale prices.

Trade retail value £ ??.???
Auction value £ ??.???
Average private trade value £ ??.???
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Owner history

For how long did the current and previous owner(s) have this HONDA? How many owners did this HONDA have? Check it in the premium report and see all owner registrations. Due to strict data protection laws, we cannot and do not provide the personal details of a vehicle’s owner. Download the full report here.

??????? ???????
?????????????? ???????
?????????? ???????
??????? ???????
?????????????? ???????
?????????? ???????

Plate changes

See in this check if this HONDA had different number plates.

Number of plates ?
Current registration
Plate since ????-??-??
Current registration
Plate since ????-??-??
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Finance check

Check if this HONDA is financed, has an outstanding loan or finance agreement. If you are purchasing a vehicle it is smart to ensure that any finance that may have been taken out on this HONDA has been settled.

If not, and you buy this HONDA then you could lose the money and the car you paid for.

Download the premium report here and check if this HONDA is financed.

Finance company ??????? ????
Date of agreement ??????? ????
Agreement type ??????? ????
Agreement term ??????? ????
Agreement number ??????? ????
Contact info ??????? ????
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Mileage check

Odometer In miles
Mileage registrations 17
First mileage registration 2001-03-10
Last registration 2024-05-31
Complete history See info
Registration #1 2001-03-10 9 mi
Registration #2 2006-10-23 9.753 mi
Registration #3 2008-06-12 10.265 mi
Registration #4 2009-06-09 16.458 mi
Registration #5 2010-06-08 19.640 mi
Registration #6 2011-06-24 26.685 mi
Registration #7 2012-06-19 31.662 mi
Registration #8 2013-05-29 36.249 mi
Registration #9 2015-01-15 41.768 mi
Registration #10 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #11 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #12 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #13 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #14 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #15 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #16 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #17 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Y912HUAreport date: 2025-02-13      

Additional information

Engine number RC46E-2409239


Total views 42
Views last 30 days 2

Premium report

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  • Stolen check
  • Finance check
  • Mileage history
  • Owner history