Power174 BHP
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      


General information

Colour White
Year of manufacture 2015
Top speed 133 mph
Gearbox 7 speed automatic

Engine & fuel consumption

Power 174 BHP
Max. torque 400 Nm at 1.400 rpm
Engine capacity 2.143 cc
Cylinders 4
Fuel type Diesel
Consumption city 46.3 mpg
Consumption extra urban 64.2 mpg
Consumption combined 56.5 mpg
CO2 emission 132 g/km
CO2 label E
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Internet history

Entry 1
Date 2023-03-29
Pictures 0
Listing price View report
source: cargurus.co.uk
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

MOT history

MOT expiry date 2024-11-12
MOT pass rate
100 %
MOT passed 6
Failed MOT tests 0
Total advice items 2
Total items failed 0
MOT #6 2023-10-26 15:55
MOT test number 923711911640
Result Passed
Next expiry date 2024-11-12
MOT #5 2022-11-02 10:01
MOT test number 345132872180
Result Passed
MOT #4 2021-11-09 10:03
MOT test number 447351502429
Result Passed
MOT #3 2020-11-13 15:07
MOT test number 604662062594
Result Passed
MOT #2 2019-10-31 16:40
MOT test number 888381709954
Result Passed
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      
MOT #1 2019-02-19 14:35
MOT test number 145970256146
Result Passed
Rear Brake pad(s) wearing thin (1.1.13 (a) (ii))
Front Brake pad(s) wearing thin (1.1.13 (a) (ii))
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Tax & MOT check

Taxed Tax due: 1 April 2025
MOT Expires: 12 November 2024
Tax status 1 April 2025
Days left 337
MOT expiry date 12 November 2024
Full MOT history See MOT history

Tax calculation

Vehicle class 49
Band E
Single payment (12 months) £ 180,00,-
Single six month payment £ 99,00,-
Total payable by 12 monthly instalments £ 189,00,-
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Damage history

Check the damage history for this MERCEDES-BENZ. See if, where and when this MERCEDES-BENZ had damage and the car repair costs. We also check if this MERCEDES-BENZ was scrapped. Download the premium report here for the results.

Damage 1
Date ???????
Category ???????
Type ???????
Damage 2
Date ???????
Category ???????
Type ???????
Extra MERCEDES-BENZ salvage check

If this vehicle was seen at a salvage auction we offer: vehicle pictures, salvage location, retail value.
Download the premium report here for more information.

WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Vehicle valuation

What is this car worth? See the vehicle value of this MERCEDES-BENZ in the premium report. We check: purchase value, age, mileage, MOT history, damages and online sale prices.

Trade retail value £ ??.???
Auction value £ ??.???
Average private trade value £ ??.???
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Owner history

For how long did the current and previous owner(s) have this MERCEDES-BENZ? How many owners did this MERCEDES-BENZ have? Check it in the premium report and see all owner registrations. Download the full report here.

??????? ???????
?????????????? ???????
?????????? ???????
??????? ???????
?????????????? ???????
?????????? ???????

Plate changes

See in this check if this MERCEDES-BENZ had different number plates.

Number of plates ?
Current registration
Plate since ????-??-??
Current registration
Plate since ????-??-??
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Finance check

Check if this MERCEDES-BENZ is financed, has an outstanding loan or finance agreement. If you are purchasing a vehicle it is smart to ensure that any finance that may have been taken out on this MERCEDES-BENZ has been settled.

If not, and you buy this MERCEDES-BENZ then you could lose the money and the car you paid for.

Download the premium report here and check if this MERCEDES-BENZ is financed.

Finance company ??????? ????
Date of agreement ??????? ????
Agreement type ??????? ????
Agreement term ??????? ????
Agreement number ??????? ????
Contact info ??????? ????
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Mileage check

Odometer In miles
Mileage registrations 8
First mileage registration 2015-10-10
Last registration 2023-10-26
Complete history See info
Registration #1 2015-10-10 12 mi
Registration #2 2019-02-19 40.674 mi
Registration #3 2019-10-31 43.960 mi
Registration #4 2020-11-13 54.712 mi
Registration #5 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #6 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #7 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
Registration #8 ????-??-?? ??.??? mi
WN65LKVreport date: 2024-04-28      

Car features

The MERCEDES-BENZ factory car options list is only available in the premium report.
S0225 Air conditioning
S0295 ??????? ????????
S0482 ??????? ????????
S0501 ??????? ????????
S0566 ??????? ????????
S0567 ??????? ????????
S0569 ??????? ????????
View the complete MERCEDES-BENZ factory list for this vehicle here.

Safety ratings

NCAP rating
Adult 93%
Children 81%
Pedestrian 67%
Safety systems 86%
Overall rating 85%
Video see crash video

Dimensions & weight

Width 2075 mm
Height 1419 mm
Length 4953 mm
Wheel base 2874 mm
Kerb weight 1845 kg
Max. allowed weight 2370 kg

Additional information

Fuel tank capacity 59 l
Fuel delivery Direct Injection
Number of doors 5
Number of seats 5
Number of axles 2
Engine number 65192432838528


Total views 3
Views last 30 days 1

Premium report

Check everything!

Get full access and download the MERCEDES-BENZ premium report.

More info   
  • Damage
  • Car features
  • Stolen check
  • Finance check
  • Mileage history
  • Owner history